

lenovo x60 and linux: round 2

definitely install mandriva. i've been using this flavor since mandrake 9.0; and just can't get used to ubuntu. further, it seems that several things seem to work flawlessly with mandriva (2007.1).
e.g., wireless, power, sound, sleep/suspend, dynamic cpu, etc.
i also don't hear any of the 'whining' or 'clunking' referred to by others.

install additional software via mandriva software manager:
  • acpi tools
  • setserial pkg
  • configure-thinkpad pkg
  • wacom pkg
install current stable release of wacom drivers
follow instructions... to install in prebuilt subdirectory,

edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf per

edit rc.local per

don't forget to chmod 755 the x60t-swivel* files

add your userid to sudoers file
(this is REALLY important; and a little detail 'missing' from some of the other sites.)

rotate command works from the terminal, but keycodes seem to be incorrect in all those files:
get xev, since acpi_listen doesn't seem to work/compile in mandriva.
[xev does not identify the 'sound' keys or any key on the display..... ]

that works ok for keyboard; but not for other 'switches' on the tablet panel.

ok... try:
tail -f /var/log/messages
then.. press all nonfunctioning keys.
this gives you the rotate/tools/esc key on the panel (but no others).
add to /etc/rc.local file

still no joy... try:
su -c "/home/gfb1/Applications/getscancodes /dev/input/event0"
(sudo -- if you use ubuntu)

FINALLY; here's the problem.
the tablet and the keyboard are 2 different devices. BUT -- the keycodes overlap. so, i suppose i need to reassign different keycodes via "setkeycodes" in rc.local file.

more to come ...

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