

discs of the week: 004

ok, i know i've been stuck in the blues for more years than i care to count... so, i suppose that it would be ok for me to admit to buying (finally) the king biscuit flour hour recording of b(lues). b(oy). king (with special guests johnny and edgar winter and george benson). this is a treat, even if the rock licks feel a bit tired.

for some reason, my old lp of the beatles, sargeant peppers lonely hearts club band is back on my horizontal tracking, technics turntable!! it's amazing to think what a few amazingly creative folks can do with some great themes, lyrics and a 4-track recorder (or two)...

[originally posted 2006.02.01]

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disc of the week: 003

"sans vous, je suis rien" -- (sic; not sick) les mccann

perhaps with yesterdays loss of Coretta Scott King, you might try to give a listen to an old jazz standard "compared to what?". the song was written by gene mcdaniel, his inspired response to the assassination of Martin Luther King. i think he left the country shortly thereafter. anyway, i also seem to remember the song was first recorded by della reese (yes, that della reese, as in 'touched by an angel' -- strangely appropriate).

anyway, find the les mccann eddie harris album, 'swiss movement', preferably vinyl, though the cd is nice (if antisceptic -- to my ears)...

"avec vous, je suis tout (toot?!)" -- les, again ...

[originally posted 2006.04.10]

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evolution 2.6 on mac

i was recently asked how to set up this software on the mac -- so, here goes:

the 2.6 mac os.x (10.3.x or 10.4.y) build for evolution is available here. documentation for evolution is very complete and quite nice.

make sure you have a functioning x11 installation; meaning that you can get to xterm. then, just install the osx-evolution-2.6 build.

the tricky thing, of course, is to read the instructions. i realize that this is over-rated, but; you MUST initially launch evolution by using xterm. [cd] into the /opt/gnome-2.14/bin directory ... then using the command [sh ./launch_evolution]; you're on your way!

if you run into problems, more than likely you will need to:

  • chown 777 launch_evolution

  • to repair broken icons, place the command into the file .gtkrc-2.0 in your $HOME directory.

    gtk-icon-theme-name = "gnome"

    • if you don't have such a file, create one,
    • contrary to some posts, you do NOT need to install the hicolor theme.

  • if you need to access a m$.exchange server:
    • create a pop or imap mail account first
    • THEN, activate the exchange plugin.
    • quit/restart evolution (again, use xterm!)
    • now, you can create an exchange account

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